Shipping Policy
After your payment has been received, your order is verified. Within two to three business days of the order confirmation date, it is packaged and shipped. Once your shipment has been dispatched, you will receive tracking details so that you may monitor its progress.
Please provide your complete and exact shipping address, along with a contact number and a pin code, to ensure on-time deliveries.

Delivery Times
Depending on where you live, shipment may take some time. Depending on the location, an order may take 5-8 business days to reach your address; however most shipments will arrive much sooner than this!
Delays may occur due to unforeseen events or during public holidays. Please get in touch with us if delivery time has taken longer than anticipated so that we may carry out an investigation.

Once placed, orders cannot be cancelled.

Change of Delivery Address Request
Before the order has been shipped, we can update the address for any requests for delivery address changes. But, once its dispatched, it cannot be done.